Tool Rooms and MSME Technology Centres
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Tool Rooms and MSME Technology Centres

Jul 01, 2023

Tool Rooms and MSME Technology Centres Scheme for MSMEs to expand and enhance technology in the sector. In the recent past, the government implemented several schemes to kindle the progress of the MSME sector. In addition, over ten tool rooms were established across the country which is equipped with the best technologies. Over 8 technology centres were also added to the list and the tool rooms were also renamed as technology centres eventually.

Tool rooms are extremely skillful in mould and die making, further improve quality and precision in the product production process. Moreover, they have proven to be beneficial and subsequently reached peak positions in their respective areas. Constantly aid SSI units in mechanical up-gradation by providing tools and machinery of international standards.

The technology centers enable severalimprovements by assisting in

Any individual or enterprise that requires guidance related to tooling and dies can avail benefits. Further, any individuals ranging from School dropouts to M-Tech level can gain assistance.

The interested beneficiary can apply online by filling an application at the respective center’s website. Further, the technology centers can be visited to discuss queries on tooling and consultancy facilities. Ministry of MSMEs established 18 Technology Centres (earlier known as Tool Rooms & Technology Development Centres) given below:

In the case of Queries, Contact Head of the Technology Centre under whose guidance the enterprise isworking.

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Facilitates provided by Technology CentersAssistance Provided under these Centers Salient features of the Tool Roomsand MSME Technology Centres EligibilityApplying Protocol In the case of Queries, Contact